1. Alphabet Murders
In the 1970’s there was a series of murders in Rochester, New York area, for which authorities at that time took in consideration the possibility of a serial killer.
There were discovered 3 victims. All of them were young girls aged 10-11. The reasons it was speculated the murders involve a serial killer is because the 3 victims had some characteristics in common:
- The first letter of their first and last name was the same
- All three victims had similar age
- The bodies were found in towns of which name started with the same letter as the victims names.
- Carmen Colon, aged 10, disappeared in Nov 16 1971 and found two days later in Churchville
- Michelle Maenza, aged 11, disappeared in Nov 26, 1973 and found 2 days later in Macedon
- Wanda Walkowicz, aged 11, disapperead in April 2, 1973 and found the next day in Webster
Authorities investigated leads about a couple of suspects, but couldn’t link any of them to the murders.
- Kenneth Bianchi, ice cream vendor in Rochester, New York at the time of the murders. There were circumstantial evidences that his car was seen at some of the murder locations. He later moved to LA where he committed the Hillside Strangler murders with his cousin, Angelo Buono, between 1977-1978.
- An unnamed suspect who committed suicide shortly after the last murder. However later on, DNA evidences cleared him.
- Joseph Naso. He is still considered as the main suspect in the series of 3 murders in Rochester, New York. Authorities never managed to link him the murders, despite the similarities between the Rochester murders and the California “Alphabet Murders” (more on this coming soon) which he was arrested for. The DNA evidences collected did not match. He was sentenced to death in 2013.The Alphabet Murders Serial Killerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HwjNyJpYds
2. Zodiac Serial Killer
Uncaught serial killer
The zodiac could be one of the most famous serial killers that have never been caught. The murders began in the late 60’s in the San Francisco Bay area.
- David Arthur Faraday, aged 17, and Betty Lou Jensen, aged 16: shot and killed on December 20, 1968, on Lake Herman Road, within the city limits of Benicia.
- Michael Renault Mageau, aged 19, and Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, ageed 22: shot on July 4, 1969, in the parking lot of Blue Rock Springs Park in Vallejo.
- Bryan Calvin Hartnell, aged 20, and Cecelia Ann Shepard, aged 22 stabbed on September 27, 1969, at Lake Berryessa in Napa County. Bryan survives 8 stabbings, Ann dies 2 days later.
- Paul Lee Stine, aged 29: shot and killed on October 11, 1969, in the Presidio Heights neighborhood in San Francisco.
The list includes victims that were confirmed. However, The Zodiac confessed to 37 murders.
Zodiac used to communicate with coded letters, sending them to news papers. Last letter received was in 1974. Then the killer stopped all communications.
Case remains open in California. (more on this soon)
3. The Freeway Phantom

The Freeway Phantom Victims
Between 1971 and 1972, 6 African American girls were raped and killed in Washington D.C.
- 13-year-old Carol Spinks. She was sent to buy groceries by her older sister. Her body was found 6 days later.
- 16- year old Darlenia Johnson. She was abducted while on her way to her summer job. Her body was discovered 11 days later, 15 feet away from the location of the first victim.
- 10-year-old Brenda Crockett. She was sent by her mother to the store and never seen after that. However, after noticing she disappeared her family started looking for her. Her 7 yo sister was waiting at home when the phone rang. It was Brenda crying saying that she is with a white man. Shortly after the call, her body was discovered on U.S. Route 50.
- 12-year-old Nenomoshia Yates. She was on her way home from a store. Her body was discovered a couple of hours later.
- 18-year old Brenda Woodward. She was going home after dinner. Her body was discovered hours later by the police. Her body was covered with a coat. In one of the pockets was discovered a note: “This is tantamount to my insensititivity [sic] to people especially women.I will admit the others when you catch me if you can! Free-way Phantom“
4. Long Island Serial Killer aka “Craigslist Serial Killer”
In 2010, the remains of 4 unidentified females were found in Long Island. The following year, authorities discovered 6 more remains close to the original dumping place. The remains were discovered bagged, which led the authorities to believe the murders were committed somewhere else.
Police discovered the first set of remains while searching for Shannan Gilbert, who went missing in 2010. Her body was discovered on Dec 2011. However police did not consider her a victim of the unknown serial killer.
In total 10 victims were discovered and it was believed that murders dated back to late 90’s. Most of the victims were identified. In 2015 FBI joined the investigation.
Long Island Serial Killer Documentary (CBS)